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How much is a Bit Worth on Twitch

This post will show you the value of bits including the amount the streamer makes, the price to purchase, and how much Twitch earns (after the bits are used). Depending on if Twitch is offering any promotions or discounts will change how much the bits costs and how much Twitch makes, however, the streamer will always take home the same amount of revenue.

For every one bit, the streamer receives $.01, and if the there were no discounts to purchase, the cost of 1 bit would be $0.014 with Twitch earning $0.004. To make things a little easier to understand, it costs $1.40 for 100 bits. The streamer makes $1 and Twitch makes $0.40. Obviously, if someone purchases 100 bits and never Cheers them to a streamer then Twitch keeps the entire $1.40.

To donate bits to a streamer, first you have to purchase some. This can easily be done on Twitch's website. Once you have your bits, all you need to do is type Cheer in the streamer's chat followed by the number of bits you'd like to cheer/give them. If you'd like to donate 100 bits then you'd type "Cheer100". The below bit emote will pop up in the chat and maybe even on screen. If the streamer has customized bit emotes, then their customized emotes will appear. You can Cheer any amount you please, including irregular amounts. The higher the cheer, the bigger the emote.

The more bits you donate by cheering will help you gain the following Cheer Chat Badges. These badges only appear in the chat where you cheered. The badges are earned over time, so you do not need to cheer all at once. If you want the 5,000 cheer badge then you can donate any amount of bits over any period of time until you hit 5,000 cheered bits. Once you earned this badge you have it for life, but only in that specific chat room. Anyone who has the 1,000,000 Bit Badge has donated $10,000 to the streamer in bits.



Still have questions on a specific amount of bits? Try the below calculator. I've also included a discount option so you can see the cost of the bits and how much Twitch makes after purchasing during one of their promotions.

To have a quick link to just the calculator for future use, check out this page.


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