This calculator shows the conversion rate from US Dollar to Riot Point and vice versa. Do note that the calculator only considers the base value of 1 RP at $0.0077 or 100 RP at $0.77. This conversion was created using the amount of Riot Points players can purchase for $5, which is 650 RP and does not include any bonus points. This gives a value of 650 RP for every $5 spent. The calculation does not consider the bonus points given for purchasing higher package as each package tier provides a different percentage of bonus points and without knowing the formula for giving out bonus points, I was unable to include it. This calculator will be a good base to see the value of a skin or champion if purchasing with Riot Points.
I also have a Blue Essence to Riot Points and USD calculator which you can find by following this link.

If you plan on purchasing Riot Points soon, makes sure to check out first! Amazon has the occasional promotion giving discounts on Riot Points and League of Legends Gift Cards. If you can snag one on sale, it'll bring an even greater savings. If there are no sales going on, it may still be worth purchasing off Amazon to help build your Amazon account credit.

Click here to be taken directly to the Riot Points/League of Legends Gift Cards' Amazon Page. 

You can purchase League of Legends merchandise on Amazon today! Click the below button to see current League shirts, plushies, mouse pads, and more!

League of Legends Merchandise!

You can purchase Riot Points at a discounted rate on Amazon. Click the below button to see Amazon's Riot Point prices.

Buy Riot Points on Amazon!