Additional Sponsorship Details and Hauppauge Gaming Capture Cards Added
I just wanted to make a quick update on the progress of updating all the sponsorship information pages. Today, I have finished going through all the pages and added some additional information to help you see what the sponsorship is about before going to their website. I have now added more details to each sponsorship type - where I was able to find more details. I have also added a brief description of what is required in each application on all sponsorship pages. This was added so you could see if you meet or have all the requirements before continuing onto the actual application itself. This is a minor update to the sponsorship profile pages and I will continue to update them as I find out more information!
Additionally, I have added the Hauppage Gaming capture card sponsorships. Details for this sponsorship can be found on their sponsorship page, as well as a brief overview below.
Hauppage Gaming
Hauppage Gaming only offers a 'Gaming Sponsorship' at the moment. There is only one requirement for this sponsorship, and it is that all applicants have at least 30,000 followers on their YouTube, Twitch, or Twitter profiles. If you meet this requirement then you are able to apply. Those who apply and do not meet this requirement will not have their applications looked at unfortunately. Hauppage does not list what type of benefits you will receive if accepted, so you will have to find out for yourself!
SponsorHunter will continued to be updated daily. If you find any additional sponsorships or have any website suggestions, please leave a comment below. I am always looking for ways to make SponsorHunter better and your feedback will help do that.